Belvárosi Bridge (Szeged)

The Belvárosi Bridge in Szeged, Hungary, is the main bridge of the city, connecting Újszeged, on the left bank of the river Tisza, to the other quarters. It was the only crossing on the river in the County until the finishing of the Bertalan Bridge in 1979. Every year in May the Hídivásár (Bridgemarket) is held there, drawing thousands of visitors to the city. Its two ends are: * Roosevelt Square in Szeged, with the Móra Ferenc Múzeum * Torontál Square in Újszeged, with the Erzsébet Park

Belvárosi Bridge (Szeged)

The Belvárosi Bridge in Szeged, Hungary, is the main bridge of the city, connecting Újszeged, on the left bank of the river Tisza, to the other quarters. It was the only crossing on the river in the County until the finishing of the Bertalan Bridge in 1979. Every year in May the Hídivásár (Bridgemarket) is held there, drawing thousands of visitors to the city. Its two ends are: * Roosevelt Square in Szeged, with the Móra Ferenc Múzeum * Torontál Square in Újszeged, with the Erzsébet Park