Bendigo Post Office

The Bendigo Post Office is a building on Pall Mall in Bendigo, a provincial city in the Australian state of Victoria. The post office backs onto and is partly surrounded by Rosalind Park. The building was built between 1883 and 1887 by the contractors McCulloch and McAlpine and designed by Public Works architect George W. Watson in the Second Empire architectural style. The building shares a great deal with its neighbouring building, the Bendigo Law Courts, and had the same builder and designer and was built at around the same time.

Bendigo Post Office

The Bendigo Post Office is a building on Pall Mall in Bendigo, a provincial city in the Australian state of Victoria. The post office backs onto and is partly surrounded by Rosalind Park. The building was built between 1883 and 1887 by the contractors McCulloch and McAlpine and designed by Public Works architect George W. Watson in the Second Empire architectural style. The building shares a great deal with its neighbouring building, the Bendigo Law Courts, and had the same builder and designer and was built at around the same time.