Bent press

A bent press is a type of weight training exercise wherein a weight is brought from shoulder-level to overhead one-handed using the muscles of the back, legs, and arm. A very large amount of weight can be lifted this way, compared to other types of one-hand press. It has been said that more weight can be lifted with one hand in this manner than in the typical two-handed overhead barbell press. It was a staple of the old-time strongmen and strongwomen such as Eugen Sandow, Arthur Saxon, and Louis Cyr, but is no longer popular. Like any exercise that is attempted without proper progression and full understanding, it poses safety concerns due to the thoracic rotation, and core strength required. However, proponents of the exercise argue that, since it uses the leverage of the body in order to

Bent press

A bent press is a type of weight training exercise wherein a weight is brought from shoulder-level to overhead one-handed using the muscles of the back, legs, and arm. A very large amount of weight can be lifted this way, compared to other types of one-hand press. It has been said that more weight can be lifted with one hand in this manner than in the typical two-handed overhead barbell press. It was a staple of the old-time strongmen and strongwomen such as Eugen Sandow, Arthur Saxon, and Louis Cyr, but is no longer popular. Like any exercise that is attempted without proper progression and full understanding, it poses safety concerns due to the thoracic rotation, and core strength required. However, proponents of the exercise argue that, since it uses the leverage of the body in order to