Bernardino da Balbano

Bernardino da Balbano (active 1543–1558) was a Capuchin friar from Balvano in Southern Italy who served as provincial superior in Apulia and Basilicata, and as guardian of the convent in Potenza. He was reputed as a preacher, and was active in combatting the teachings of the Waldensians, which had received new impetus from the Protestant Reformation. After he had preached in Messina in 1552, the archbishop, Cardinal Giovanni Andrea Mercurio, sought papal intervention to have him return in 1554. Although some biographers date his death to 1558, he probably died in 1570.

Bernardino da Balbano

Bernardino da Balbano (active 1543–1558) was a Capuchin friar from Balvano in Southern Italy who served as provincial superior in Apulia and Basilicata, and as guardian of the convent in Potenza. He was reputed as a preacher, and was active in combatting the teachings of the Waldensians, which had received new impetus from the Protestant Reformation. After he had preached in Messina in 1552, the archbishop, Cardinal Giovanni Andrea Mercurio, sought papal intervention to have him return in 1554. Although some biographers date his death to 1558, he probably died in 1570.