Berryville Post Office

The Berryville Post Office is a historic post office building at 101 East Madison Avenue in Berryville, Arkansas. It is a single-story brick Colonial Revival structure, topped by a hip roof and cupola with finial. It was designed by Louis A. Simon and built in 1938–39. Although primarily intended to serve the needs of the United States Postal Service, the basement housed offices of various county agents. The building is primarily notable for the plaster sculpture above the postmaster's office, which was created in 1940 by as part of the Treasury Departments Section of Fine Arts, a jobs program for artists.

Berryville Post Office

The Berryville Post Office is a historic post office building at 101 East Madison Avenue in Berryville, Arkansas. It is a single-story brick Colonial Revival structure, topped by a hip roof and cupola with finial. It was designed by Louis A. Simon and built in 1938–39. Although primarily intended to serve the needs of the United States Postal Service, the basement housed offices of various county agents. The building is primarily notable for the plaster sculpture above the postmaster's office, which was created in 1940 by as part of the Treasury Departments Section of Fine Arts, a jobs program for artists.