Bet2Give was an online prediction market company started in 2007 by Émile Servan-Schreiber and Maurice Balick, as an offshoot to their NewsFutures. Bet2Give's premise was that having the winnings going automatically to a charity of the winner's choice wouldn't seriously interfere with the efficacy of the prediction market. Servan-Schreiber had conducted research a few years earlier into whether betting with "play money" reduced prediction market accuracy, with encouraging results.

Bet2Give was an online prediction market company started in 2007 by Émile Servan-Schreiber and Maurice Balick, as an offshoot to their NewsFutures. Bet2Give's premise was that having the winnings going automatically to a charity of the winner's choice wouldn't seriously interfere with the efficacy of the prediction market. Servan-Schreiber had conducted research a few years earlier into whether betting with "play money" reduced prediction market accuracy, with encouraging results.