Between Friends (Randy Napoleon album)

Between Friends, released by Azica Records in 2006, features the Randy Napoleon Trio on half the tracks and a quartet featuring master pianist Benny Green on the others. The trio is Randy Napoleon (guitar), Jared Gold (organ), and Quincy Davis (drums). The quartet is Napoleon, Davis, Green, and David Wong (bass). The song Between Friends. does not appear on this album. In the liner notes, Napoleon writes that he selected the title because "This is an album I made with my friends for you to enjoy with yours."

Between Friends (Randy Napoleon album)

Between Friends, released by Azica Records in 2006, features the Randy Napoleon Trio on half the tracks and a quartet featuring master pianist Benny Green on the others. The trio is Randy Napoleon (guitar), Jared Gold (organ), and Quincy Davis (drums). The quartet is Napoleon, Davis, Green, and David Wong (bass). The song Between Friends. does not appear on this album. In the liner notes, Napoleon writes that he selected the title because "This is an album I made with my friends for you to enjoy with yours."