Beurling algebra

In mathematics, the term Beurling algebra is used for different algebras introduced by Arne Beurling , usually it is an algebra of periodic functions with Fourier series ExampleWe may consider the algebra of those functions f where the majorants of the Fourier coefficients an are summable. In other words ExampleWe may consider a weight function w on such that in which case is a unitary commutative Banach algebra. These algebras are closely related to the Wiener algebra.

Beurling algebra

In mathematics, the term Beurling algebra is used for different algebras introduced by Arne Beurling , usually it is an algebra of periodic functions with Fourier series ExampleWe may consider the algebra of those functions f where the majorants of the Fourier coefficients an are summable. In other words ExampleWe may consider a weight function w on such that in which case is a unitary commutative Banach algebra. These algebras are closely related to the Wiener algebra.