
Beveren-aan-de-IJzer (West Flemish: Bevern-a'n-Yzer) is a village in the municipality of Alveringem in the Belgian province of West Flanders. The village is located near the border with France, and was therefore called Beveren aan de Franse grens during the 19th century. Until 1971, Beveren-aan-de-IJzer was an independent municipality.


Beveren-aan-de-IJzer (West Flemish: Bevern-a'n-Yzer) is a village in the municipality of Alveringem in the Belgian province of West Flanders. The village is located near the border with France, and was therefore called Beveren aan de Franse grens during the 19th century. Until 1971, Beveren-aan-de-IJzer was an independent municipality.