Beverley Rosen Simons

Beverley Rosen Simons is a Canadian playwright. Her plays explore artistic form, as well as assumptions of class and gender with a perspicacity ahead of second generation feminism of the 1960s, which influenced her youth. Rosen's second full-length play, "Crabdance", was greeted by critics as a brilliant, controversial work. It remains Rosen's best-known play. It has received six professional stagings, dramatizations by CBC Radio and CBC TV (never aired), an ACCESS video of the 1976 Citadel Theatre production, and two editions by in Print publications and Talonbooks.

Beverley Rosen Simons

Beverley Rosen Simons is a Canadian playwright. Her plays explore artistic form, as well as assumptions of class and gender with a perspicacity ahead of second generation feminism of the 1960s, which influenced her youth. Rosen's second full-length play, "Crabdance", was greeted by critics as a brilliant, controversial work. It remains Rosen's best-known play. It has received six professional stagings, dramatizations by CBC Radio and CBC TV (never aired), an ACCESS video of the 1976 Citadel Theatre production, and two editions by in Print publications and Talonbooks.