Big Božna

Big Božna Creek (Slovene: Velika Božna) or simply the Božna, also known as Božja Creek (Božja voda), or Big Creek (Velika voda) is a stream in northwestern Slovenia. It is the left source tributary of the Gradaščica, the right one being Little Creek (Mala voda). It was recorded under the German names Salog bach or Sallog Bach (i.e., Zalog Creek) in the 18th century.

Big Božna

Big Božna Creek (Slovene: Velika Božna) or simply the Božna, also known as Božja Creek (Božja voda), or Big Creek (Velika voda) is a stream in northwestern Slovenia. It is the left source tributary of the Gradaščica, the right one being Little Creek (Mala voda). It was recorded under the German names Salog bach or Sallog Bach (i.e., Zalog Creek) in the 18th century.