Bika ambon

Bika ambon or golden bika in Singapore is an Indonesian dessert, made from ingredients such as tapioca flour, eggs, sugar, yeast and coconut milk. Bika ambon is generally sold in pandan and banana flavor, but today it is also available in other flavors like durian, cheese and chocolate. This cake is a further development of kue bingka, a famous traditional cake in the eastern parts of Indonesia. Recently, bika ambon has become popular around Central Java, thanks to a few retail shops that sell various Indonesian traditional cakes.

Bika ambon

Bika ambon or golden bika in Singapore is an Indonesian dessert, made from ingredients such as tapioca flour, eggs, sugar, yeast and coconut milk. Bika ambon is generally sold in pandan and banana flavor, but today it is also available in other flavors like durian, cheese and chocolate. This cake is a further development of kue bingka, a famous traditional cake in the eastern parts of Indonesia. Recently, bika ambon has become popular around Central Java, thanks to a few retail shops that sell various Indonesian traditional cakes.