Bill Annan

William Howard Annan (December 14, 1850 – unknown) was an American professional baseball umpire. Annan umpired one National Association game in 1873, between the Brooklyn Atlantics and the Boston Red Stockings (today's Atlanta Braves). Annan was also a minor league shortstop, played for Harvard University, and earned a law degree there. He was a lawyer in Baltimore from 1880 to 1885, studied at the University of Edinburgh, then moved to London and later New York City. He disappeared in 1898.

Bill Annan

William Howard Annan (December 14, 1850 – unknown) was an American professional baseball umpire. Annan umpired one National Association game in 1873, between the Brooklyn Atlantics and the Boston Red Stockings (today's Atlanta Braves). Annan was also a minor league shortstop, played for Harvard University, and earned a law degree there. He was a lawyer in Baltimore from 1880 to 1885, studied at the University of Edinburgh, then moved to London and later New York City. He disappeared in 1898.