Bistrița (Siret)

The Bistrița (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈbistrit͡sa] ; also called as Bistrița Aurie or Bistrița Moldoveană; Hungarian: Aranyos-Beszterce) is a river in the Romanian regions of Maramureș, Bukovina and Moldavia (most of its length). It is a right tributary of the river Siret. At Chetriș, near Bacău, it flows into the Siret. Its source is in the Rodna Mountains, at the foot of the Gârgalău peak. It flows through the counties Bistrița-Năsăud, Suceava, Neamț and Bacău. The towns Vatra Dornei, Bicaz, Piatra Neamț, Roznov, Buhuși and Bacău lie along the Bistrița. The Bistrița is 283 km long, and its basin area is 7039 km².

Bistrița (Siret)

The Bistrița (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈbistrit͡sa] ; also called as Bistrița Aurie or Bistrița Moldoveană; Hungarian: Aranyos-Beszterce) is a river in the Romanian regions of Maramureș, Bukovina and Moldavia (most of its length). It is a right tributary of the river Siret. At Chetriș, near Bacău, it flows into the Siret. Its source is in the Rodna Mountains, at the foot of the Gârgalău peak. It flows through the counties Bistrița-Năsăud, Suceava, Neamț and Bacău. The towns Vatra Dornei, Bicaz, Piatra Neamț, Roznov, Buhuși and Bacău lie along the Bistrița. The Bistrița is 283 km long, and its basin area is 7039 km².