Bitter Lawyer is a legal humor and news blog targeted at disgruntled lawyers. The site features a webshow titled Living the Dream, created by Rick Eid, which follows the bumblings of fictional big law junior associate Nick Conley (played by John T. Woods). Accompanying blog posts describe the real-life inspirations behind each webisode. There are also many columns: an advice column authored by "an Ex-Bitter"; "Associate Abuse," which posts associate war stories from all over; "Bitter by Numbers," an opinion column appearing in list form; "Loose Ends," which covers legal news; "Bitter Rant," which posts lawyer rants from all over; "Pictures Framed," which posts images or illustrations of lawyers and invites readers to submit captions; and "Temper(a)mental," written from the point of view

Bitter Lawyer is a legal humor and news blog targeted at disgruntled lawyers. The site features a webshow titled Living the Dream, created by Rick Eid, which follows the bumblings of fictional big law junior associate Nick Conley (played by John T. Woods). Accompanying blog posts describe the real-life inspirations behind each webisode. There are also many columns: an advice column authored by "an Ex-Bitter"; "Associate Abuse," which posts associate war stories from all over; "Bitter by Numbers," an opinion column appearing in list form; "Loose Ends," which covers legal news; "Bitter Rant," which posts lawyer rants from all over; "Pictures Framed," which posts images or illustrations of lawyers and invites readers to submit captions; and "Temper(a)mental," written from the point of view