Black Heavyweight Championship

The Black Heavyweight Championship was a title in pretense claimed by the African American boxer Klondike (January 1, 1878 – February 3, 1949), who was born John Haines or John W. Haynes and by two-time colored heavyweight champ Frank Childs (July 17, 1867 – June 20, 1936). They fought again four times, as African American boxers were forced to fight one another often due to the color bar. Childs won every fight.

Black Heavyweight Championship

The Black Heavyweight Championship was a title in pretense claimed by the African American boxer Klondike (January 1, 1878 – February 3, 1949), who was born John Haines or John W. Haynes and by two-time colored heavyweight champ Frank Childs (July 17, 1867 – June 20, 1936). They fought again four times, as African American boxers were forced to fight one another often due to the color bar. Childs won every fight.