Black Wire (album)

Black Wire is the eponymous debut album by the Leeds band Black Wire. The album was released on 27 June 2005 in the UK on 48 Crash and 14 February 2006 in the U.S. on . The U.S. version of the album contains the 'secret track' "Braindead". Access to the song is gained by holding the rewind button of a CD player at the start of the first track until there is silence when the song can then be heard.

Black Wire (album)

Black Wire is the eponymous debut album by the Leeds band Black Wire. The album was released on 27 June 2005 in the UK on 48 Crash and 14 February 2006 in the U.S. on . The U.S. version of the album contains the 'secret track' "Braindead". Access to the song is gained by holding the rewind button of a CD player at the start of the first track until there is silence when the song can then be heard.