Bleep (store)

Bleep is an online independent record shop that mainly showcases music from independent artists and labels. Created by Warp Records and launched in January 2004, Bleep offers single tracks and whole albums as both digital and physical purchases, the latter including vinyl records, compact cassettes and CDs. All music they sell is free of digital rights management (DRM) technologies. They also sell DVDs, clothing, and other merchandise from a variety of labels and designers.

Bleep (store)

Bleep is an online independent record shop that mainly showcases music from independent artists and labels. Created by Warp Records and launched in January 2004, Bleep offers single tracks and whole albums as both digital and physical purchases, the latter including vinyl records, compact cassettes and CDs. All music they sell is free of digital rights management (DRM) technologies. They also sell DVDs, clothing, and other merchandise from a variety of labels and designers.