Block 10

Block 10 was a cellblock at the Auschwitz concentration camp where men and women were used as experimental subjects for German doctors. The experiments in Block 10 ranged from testing bodily reactions to relatively benign substances and sterilization. The victims at Auschwitz were also exported anywhere else where experimental subjects were needed. For example, twenty Jewish children were transported to the Neuengamme concentration camp in Hamburg where they were injected with virulent tubercular serum and subjected to other experiments, and later murdered at the Bullenhuser Damm school.

Block 10

Block 10 was a cellblock at the Auschwitz concentration camp where men and women were used as experimental subjects for German doctors. The experiments in Block 10 ranged from testing bodily reactions to relatively benign substances and sterilization. The victims at Auschwitz were also exported anywhere else where experimental subjects were needed. For example, twenty Jewish children were transported to the Neuengamme concentration camp in Hamburg where they were injected with virulent tubercular serum and subjected to other experiments, and later murdered at the Bullenhuser Damm school.