Blue Labour

Blue Labour is an advocacy group associated with the British Labour Party that promotes conservative ideas on social and international issues, including immigration, crime and the European Union, rejecting neoliberal economics in favour of guild socialism and corporatism. Blue Labour advocates a switch to local and democratic community management and provision of services, rather than relying on a traditional welfare state that it sees as excessively bureaucratic. The position has been articulated in books such as Tangled Up in Blue, by Rowenna Davis, and Blue Labour, edited by Ian Geary and Adrian Pabst.

Blue Labour

Blue Labour is an advocacy group associated with the British Labour Party that promotes conservative ideas on social and international issues, including immigration, crime and the European Union, rejecting neoliberal economics in favour of guild socialism and corporatism. Blue Labour advocates a switch to local and democratic community management and provision of services, rather than relying on a traditional welfare state that it sees as excessively bureaucratic. The position has been articulated in books such as Tangled Up in Blue, by Rowenna Davis, and Blue Labour, edited by Ian Geary and Adrian Pabst.