Bob and Sally

Bob and Sally is 1948 American drama film produced by J. G. Sanford at Universal Studios and directed by Erle C. Kenton. Director of photography was Ellis Carter and the original screenplay was written by Mary C. Palmer. The film was one of the various "hygienic films" that were produced in the late 1940s, heavily influenced by the exploitation movie Mom and Dad (1945), produced by Kroger Babb and directed by William Beaudine.

Bob and Sally

Bob and Sally is 1948 American drama film produced by J. G. Sanford at Universal Studios and directed by Erle C. Kenton. Director of photography was Ellis Carter and the original screenplay was written by Mary C. Palmer. The film was one of the various "hygienic films" that were produced in the late 1940s, heavily influenced by the exploitation movie Mom and Dad (1945), produced by Kroger Babb and directed by William Beaudine.