Bolo punch

A bolo punch is a punch used in martial arts. The bolo punch is not among the traditional boxing punches (jab, uppercut, hook and cross). Bolo is a Filipino word for machete. The primary use for the bolo is clearing vegetation, however the bolo is also used in Filipino martial arts and is one of the main weapons trained in the martial art. After the United States defeated Spain in the Spanish–American War, they took over occupation of the Philippine Islands. Many Filipinos began emigrating to the United States, mostly California and Hawaii, as farm laborers. These immigrants were practitioners of the Filipino martial arts which included the boxing art known as Suntukan, Panantukan, and Pangamot. Many of these Filipino fighters gravitated towards the local sport boxing matches because they

Bolo punch

A bolo punch is a punch used in martial arts. The bolo punch is not among the traditional boxing punches (jab, uppercut, hook and cross). Bolo is a Filipino word for machete. The primary use for the bolo is clearing vegetation, however the bolo is also used in Filipino martial arts and is one of the main weapons trained in the martial art. After the United States defeated Spain in the Spanish–American War, they took over occupation of the Philippine Islands. Many Filipinos began emigrating to the United States, mostly California and Hawaii, as farm laborers. These immigrants were practitioners of the Filipino martial arts which included the boxing art known as Suntukan, Panantukan, and Pangamot. Many of these Filipino fighters gravitated towards the local sport boxing matches because they