Bolshoye Krivoshchyokovo

Bolshoye Krivoshchyokovo or simply Krivoshchekovo (Russian: Большое Кривощёково; Big Krivoshchyokovo) is a village that was located on the left bank of the Ob River (the territory of the modern Leninsky City District of Novosibirsk) north of the mouth of the Tula River. It was founded in the late 17th or early 18th centuries.

Bolshoye Krivoshchyokovo

Bolshoye Krivoshchyokovo or simply Krivoshchekovo (Russian: Большое Кривощёково; Big Krivoshchyokovo) is a village that was located on the left bank of the Ob River (the territory of the modern Leninsky City District of Novosibirsk) north of the mouth of the Tula River. It was founded in the late 17th or early 18th centuries.