Bondage rigger

A bondage rigger is a person of any gender who practices the art of tying bondage, usually with rope. Bondage riggers may participate in bondage for many reasons. These may include: as a form of BDSM or D/s play for personal enjoyment; as an art form, such as with Shibari or kinbaku; or as an enterprise for profit, by selling books, videos, or photographs. Bondage riggers work with one or more rope bottoms or bondage models, or may tie themselves in a practice called self-rigging or self-suspension. Some rope bottoms and bondage models are accomplished bondage riggers themselves.

Bondage rigger

A bondage rigger is a person of any gender who practices the art of tying bondage, usually with rope. Bondage riggers may participate in bondage for many reasons. These may include: as a form of BDSM or D/s play for personal enjoyment; as an art form, such as with Shibari or kinbaku; or as an enterprise for profit, by selling books, videos, or photographs. Bondage riggers work with one or more rope bottoms or bondage models, or may tie themselves in a practice called self-rigging or self-suspension. Some rope bottoms and bondage models are accomplished bondage riggers themselves.