Boogie Woogie Blue Plate

"Boogie Woogie Blue Plate" is a song written by Joe Burhkin and Johnny DeVries. It was performed by Louis Jordan and his Tympany Five and released on the Decca label (catalog no. 24104-A). The song's lyrics describe an attractive waitress who conveys orders to the kitchen for various orders, including a "boogie woogie blue plate". The song peaked at No. 1 on Billboard's race record chart and remained on the chart for 24 weeks. It also reached No. 21 on the pop chart. It was ranked No. 2 on the magazine's list of the most played race records of 1947.

Boogie Woogie Blue Plate

"Boogie Woogie Blue Plate" is a song written by Joe Burhkin and Johnny DeVries. It was performed by Louis Jordan and his Tympany Five and released on the Decca label (catalog no. 24104-A). The song's lyrics describe an attractive waitress who conveys orders to the kitchen for various orders, including a "boogie woogie blue plate". The song peaked at No. 1 on Billboard's race record chart and remained on the chart for 24 weeks. It also reached No. 21 on the pop chart. It was ranked No. 2 on the magazine's list of the most played race records of 1947.