Bool Lagoon, South Australia

Bool Lagoon is a locality in the Australian state of South Australia located in the south-east of the state in the Limestone Coast region about 311 kilometres (193 miles) south east of the state capital of Adelaide. Its boundaries were created in 2001 firstly for the part in the former District Council of Millicent in April of that year followed in December by the part in the former . Its name is derived from Bool Lagoon, a freshwater lagoon located within its boundaries. The locality includes the following state heritage place - .

Bool Lagoon, South Australia

Bool Lagoon is a locality in the Australian state of South Australia located in the south-east of the state in the Limestone Coast region about 311 kilometres (193 miles) south east of the state capital of Adelaide. Its boundaries were created in 2001 firstly for the part in the former District Council of Millicent in April of that year followed in December by the part in the former . Its name is derived from Bool Lagoon, a freshwater lagoon located within its boundaries. The locality includes the following state heritage place - .