Borderline (TV series)

Borderline is a British mockumentary television comedy series devised by Michael Orton-Toliver and Chris Gau. Narrated by Ralf Little, the series launched on 2 August 2016 on Channel 5. The series follows the activity of agents working for Borderline, a fictionalised version of the Border Force, at the fictional Northend Airport. In contrast to most series, which require the cast to memorise a script, Borderline is "retro-scripted": The cast is given a plot outline to guide them as they improvise their dialogue and actions.

Borderline (TV series)

Borderline is a British mockumentary television comedy series devised by Michael Orton-Toliver and Chris Gau. Narrated by Ralf Little, the series launched on 2 August 2016 on Channel 5. The series follows the activity of agents working for Borderline, a fictionalised version of the Border Force, at the fictional Northend Airport. In contrast to most series, which require the cast to memorise a script, Borderline is "retro-scripted": The cast is given a plot outline to guide them as they improvise their dialogue and actions.