
Borduria is a fictional country in The Adventures of Tintin, the comics series by Belgian cartoonist Hergé. It is located in the Balkans and has a rivalry with the fictional neighbouring country of Syldavia. Borduria is depicted in King Ottokar's Sceptre (1938-1939) and The Calculus Affair (1954-1956), and is referred to in Tintin and the Picaros (1975-1976). Its international rival is Khemed.


Borduria is a fictional country in The Adventures of Tintin, the comics series by Belgian cartoonist Hergé. It is located in the Balkans and has a rivalry with the fictional neighbouring country of Syldavia. Borduria is depicted in King Ottokar's Sceptre (1938-1939) and The Calculus Affair (1954-1956), and is referred to in Tintin and the Picaros (1975-1976). Its international rival is Khemed.