Boy Bitten by a Crayfish

Boy Bitten by a Crayfish is a lost painting by Caravaggio that is known thanks to several copies. The copy that has always been considered the most faithful belongs to the Musée des Beaux-Arts of Strasbourg, France. Its inventory number is 1285. The Strasbourg Boy Bitten by a Crayfish had formerly belonged to the Comte de Pourtalès Collection; it was sold in Paris on 27 March 1865 but at some point in time returned to the heirs of the count De Pourtalès, for it was gifted to the museum in 1931 by Mrs. Bérard de Loÿs Chandieu, heiress of the Château de Pourtalès through her mother. *

Boy Bitten by a Crayfish

Boy Bitten by a Crayfish is a lost painting by Caravaggio that is known thanks to several copies. The copy that has always been considered the most faithful belongs to the Musée des Beaux-Arts of Strasbourg, France. Its inventory number is 1285. The Strasbourg Boy Bitten by a Crayfish had formerly belonged to the Comte de Pourtalès Collection; it was sold in Paris on 27 March 1865 but at some point in time returned to the heirs of the count De Pourtalès, for it was gifted to the museum in 1931 by Mrs. Bérard de Loÿs Chandieu, heiress of the Château de Pourtalès through her mother. *