Brain fingerprinting

Brain fingerprinting is a lie detection technique which uses electroencephalography (EEG) to determine whether specific information is stored in a subject's brain. The technique consists of measuring and recording a person's electrical brainwaves and brain response when asked questions about a crime, attempting to elicit a "P300 response" that indicates familiarity with the details of the crime. The technique is controversial, unproven and of questionable accuracy. Comparison of brain fingerprinting with polygraphy showed mixed results consistent with "a mix of proven techniques and dangerously exaggerated benefits".

Brain fingerprinting

Brain fingerprinting is a lie detection technique which uses electroencephalography (EEG) to determine whether specific information is stored in a subject's brain. The technique consists of measuring and recording a person's electrical brainwaves and brain response when asked questions about a crime, attempting to elicit a "P300 response" that indicates familiarity with the details of the crime. The technique is controversial, unproven and of questionable accuracy. Comparison of brain fingerprinting with polygraphy showed mixed results consistent with "a mix of proven techniques and dangerously exaggerated benefits".