Branching order of bacterial phyla (Ciccarelli et al., 2006)

There are several models of the Branching order of bacterial phyla, one of these was proposed in 2006 by Ciccarelli et al. for their iTOL project. This tree is based on a concatenated set of conserved protein and not 16S rRNA (cf. Branching order of bacterial phyla (Woese, 1987)).

Branching order of bacterial phyla (Ciccarelli et al., 2006)

There are several models of the Branching order of bacterial phyla, one of these was proposed in 2006 by Ciccarelli et al. for their iTOL project. This tree is based on a concatenated set of conserved protein and not 16S rRNA (cf. Branching order of bacterial phyla (Woese, 1987)).