Brave Exkaiser

Brave Exkaiser (勇者エクスカイザー, Yūsha Ekusukaizā, Sometimes translated as Brave Exkaizer or Brave Fighter Exkizer) is a Japanese animated television series produced by Sunrise. The series, is directed by Katsuyoshi Yatabe and written by Yasushi Hirano with both character and mecha designs done by Masayuki Hiraoka and Kunio Okawara. It aired on Nagoya TV from February 3, 1990 to January 26, 1991, compiling up to 48 episodes.

Brave Exkaiser

Brave Exkaiser (勇者エクスカイザー, Yūsha Ekusukaizā, Sometimes translated as Brave Exkaizer or Brave Fighter Exkizer) is a Japanese animated television series produced by Sunrise. The series, is directed by Katsuyoshi Yatabe and written by Yasushi Hirano with both character and mecha designs done by Masayuki Hiraoka and Kunio Okawara. It aired on Nagoya TV from February 3, 1990 to January 26, 1991, compiling up to 48 episodes.