Brian Cox filmography

The following is the filmography for the Scottish actor Brian Cox. He has appeared in various films and TV series such as Manhunter (1986), Rob Roy and Braveheart (both 1995), The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996), Nuremberg (2000), Super Troopers (2001), The Bourne Identity, The Ring and Adaptation (all 2002), X2 (2003), Troy (2004), Red Eye (2005), Deadwood (2006), Zodiac (2007), Red (2010), Coriolanus and Rise of the Planet of the Apes (both 2011), Red 2 (2013) and Succession (2018–present).

Brian Cox filmography

The following is the filmography for the Scottish actor Brian Cox. He has appeared in various films and TV series such as Manhunter (1986), Rob Roy and Braveheart (both 1995), The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996), Nuremberg (2000), Super Troopers (2001), The Bourne Identity, The Ring and Adaptation (all 2002), X2 (2003), Troy (2004), Red Eye (2005), Deadwood (2006), Zodiac (2007), Red (2010), Coriolanus and Rise of the Planet of the Apes (both 2011), Red 2 (2013) and Succession (2018–present).