Bridge Upto Zenith

The Bridge Upto Zenith (Chinese: 世界花園橋峰) is a complex of four residential skyscrapers completed in 2012 and located in Banqiao District, New Taipei City, Taiwan. Tower C is the tallest with an architectural height of 146 m (479 ft), with 37 floors above ground. Tower B is the second tallest with an architectural height of 139 m (456 ft), with 35 floors above ground. Next is Tower A with an architectural height of 133 m (436 ft) with 33 floors above ground. Finally, the shortest is Tower D with an architectural height of 125 m (410 ft) with 31 floors above ground. The complex was designed by KHL Architects & Associates and constructed by Continental Engineering Corporation, with each tower having 6 basement levels and a total floor area of 170,872.1 m2 (1,839,252 sq ft).

Bridge Upto Zenith

The Bridge Upto Zenith (Chinese: 世界花園橋峰) is a complex of four residential skyscrapers completed in 2012 and located in Banqiao District, New Taipei City, Taiwan. Tower C is the tallest with an architectural height of 146 m (479 ft), with 37 floors above ground. Tower B is the second tallest with an architectural height of 139 m (456 ft), with 35 floors above ground. Next is Tower A with an architectural height of 133 m (436 ft) with 33 floors above ground. Finally, the shortest is Tower D with an architectural height of 125 m (410 ft) with 31 floors above ground. The complex was designed by KHL Architects & Associates and constructed by Continental Engineering Corporation, with each tower having 6 basement levels and a total floor area of 170,872.1 m2 (1,839,252 sq ft).