British Society for Nanomedicine

The British Society for Nanomedicine (BSNM) is the primary UK nanomedicine society. Members of the society are drawn from the general public, academia, industry, regulatory agencies and healthcare professionals. The society is a registered charity whose mission includes the direct explanation of the ongoing science and commercial developments to allow the public to understand and stay in touch with nanomedicine research as it impacts future global healthcare. The society is also actively involved in the organisation of multidisciplinary scientific meetings to encourage dissemination of the latest advances and foster collaboration.

British Society for Nanomedicine

The British Society for Nanomedicine (BSNM) is the primary UK nanomedicine society. Members of the society are drawn from the general public, academia, industry, regulatory agencies and healthcare professionals. The society is a registered charity whose mission includes the direct explanation of the ongoing science and commercial developments to allow the public to understand and stay in touch with nanomedicine research as it impacts future global healthcare. The society is also actively involved in the organisation of multidisciplinary scientific meetings to encourage dissemination of the latest advances and foster collaboration.