
Bron-Char is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writer Mark Waid and artist Joe Kubert, the character debuted in Avengers Vol. 1, #364 (July 1993). He was a member of the Lunatic Legion. He destroyed one of Captain America's shields. The character was portrayed by Rune Temte in the Marvel Cinematic Universe film Captain Marvel (2019).


Bron-Char is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writer Mark Waid and artist Joe Kubert, the character debuted in Avengers Vol. 1, #364 (July 1993). He was a member of the Lunatic Legion. He destroyed one of Captain America's shields. The character was portrayed by Rune Temte in the Marvel Cinematic Universe film Captain Marvel (2019).