Bruce Alcock

Bruce Alcock is a Vancouver-based, Newfoundland-born multimedia filmmaker, creative director, and founder of animation studios Cuppa Coffee Studio (with Adam Shaheen) and Global Mechanic. Born in Corner Brook, Newfoundland, he has directed several animated short films including At The Quinte Hotel (2005), an animated film set to a 1968 CBC Radio recording of Al Purdy reading his poem Quinte Hotel. The film, which combines stop-motion and traditional animation, received the Canadian Film Institute Award for best Canadian animation at the Ottawa International Animation Festival.

Bruce Alcock

Bruce Alcock is a Vancouver-based, Newfoundland-born multimedia filmmaker, creative director, and founder of animation studios Cuppa Coffee Studio (with Adam Shaheen) and Global Mechanic. Born in Corner Brook, Newfoundland, he has directed several animated short films including At The Quinte Hotel (2005), an animated film set to a 1968 CBC Radio recording of Al Purdy reading his poem Quinte Hotel. The film, which combines stop-motion and traditional animation, received the Canadian Film Institute Award for best Canadian animation at the Ottawa International Animation Festival.