Bruno Schweizer

Bruno Schweizer (3 May 1897 – 11 November 1958) was a German linguist, best known for his work with the Nazi Ahnenerbe division. Schweizer was a personal believer in the theory that a Germanic stronghold in northeastern Italy gave rise to the Cimbrians, during the Middle Ages before and after its alleged end in 774. While Schweizer's tight commitment to Germanic racism is disputable, his linguistic works are fully acknowledged and appreciated by former and present linguists.

Bruno Schweizer

Bruno Schweizer (3 May 1897 – 11 November 1958) was a German linguist, best known for his work with the Nazi Ahnenerbe division. Schweizer was a personal believer in the theory that a Germanic stronghold in northeastern Italy gave rise to the Cimbrians, during the Middle Ages before and after its alleged end in 774. While Schweizer's tight commitment to Germanic racism is disputable, his linguistic works are fully acknowledged and appreciated by former and present linguists.