Buck's Bridge Community Church

Buck's Bridge Community Church, also (erroneously) known as Buck's Bridge United Methodist Church, was formerly a Methodist Episcopal church located at Buck's Bridge in St. Lawrence County, New York. The church later more closely followed the Congregational Church polity and theology. Services are no longer held, as the church closed following the resignation of the last pastor, The Rev. Dennis Lowe. The final service was December 9, 2018. Moving the church to the site of the St. Lawrence Power and Equipment Museum in Madrid, NY, is being considered.

Buck's Bridge Community Church

Buck's Bridge Community Church, also (erroneously) known as Buck's Bridge United Methodist Church, was formerly a Methodist Episcopal church located at Buck's Bridge in St. Lawrence County, New York. The church later more closely followed the Congregational Church polity and theology. Services are no longer held, as the church closed following the resignation of the last pastor, The Rev. Dennis Lowe. The final service was December 9, 2018. Moving the church to the site of the St. Lawrence Power and Equipment Museum in Madrid, NY, is being considered.