Bullet for My Valentine discography

The discography of Bullet for My Valentine, a Welsh heavy metal band, is composed of six studio albums, four live albums, five EPs and four video albums, from which twenty-six singles and twenty-seven music videos have been released. In addition, a live DVD has also been released. In 2002, the band secured a five-album deal with Sony BMG. The band has stated that their music is influenced by classic metal acts such as Metallica, Iron Maiden, and Slayer. The band is part of the Cardiff music scene.

Bullet for My Valentine discography

The discography of Bullet for My Valentine, a Welsh heavy metal band, is composed of six studio albums, four live albums, five EPs and four video albums, from which twenty-six singles and twenty-seven music videos have been released. In addition, a live DVD has also been released. In 2002, the band secured a five-album deal with Sony BMG. The band has stated that their music is influenced by classic metal acts such as Metallica, Iron Maiden, and Slayer. The band is part of the Cardiff music scene.