
Bzhedug or Bazdug (Adyghe: Бжъэдыгъу, Bz̄edyğw, Adyghe pronunciation: [bʐadəʁʷ]; Russian: Бжедуги, Bžedugi) are one of the twelve major Circassian tribes, representing one of the twelve stars on the green-and-gold Circassian flag.


Bzhedug or Bazdug (Adyghe: Бжъэдыгъу, Bz̄edyğw, Adyghe pronunciation: [bʐadəʁʷ]; Russian: Бжедуги, Bžedugi) are one of the twelve major Circassian tribes, representing one of the twelve stars on the green-and-gold Circassian flag.