Céleste (1980 film)

Céleste is a 1980 German film by Percy Adlon about the life of the French writer Marcel Proust as he lay in his bed from 1912 to 1922; the story is told through the eyes of his real life maid, Céleste Albaret. She waited decades before writing her own book about the experience which was adapted for the screen by Percy Adlon. Andrew Sarris called the film "one of the most profound tributes one art form has ever paid to another."

Céleste (1980 film)

Céleste is a 1980 German film by Percy Adlon about the life of the French writer Marcel Proust as he lay in his bed from 1912 to 1922; the story is told through the eyes of his real life maid, Céleste Albaret. She waited decades before writing her own book about the experience which was adapted for the screen by Percy Adlon. Andrew Sarris called the film "one of the most profound tributes one art form has ever paid to another."