C. L. E. Moore instructor

The job title of C. L. E. Moore instructor is given by the Math Department at Massachusetts Institute of Technology to recent math Ph.D.s hired for their promise in pure mathematics research. The instructors are expected to do both teaching and research. Past C. L. E. Moore instructors include John Nash, Walter Rudin, Elias Stein, as well as four Fields medal winners: Paul Cohen, Daniel Quillen, Curtis T. McMullen and Akshay Venkatesh.

C. L. E. Moore instructor

The job title of C. L. E. Moore instructor is given by the Math Department at Massachusetts Institute of Technology to recent math Ph.D.s hired for their promise in pure mathematics research. The instructors are expected to do both teaching and research. Past C. L. E. Moore instructors include John Nash, Walter Rudin, Elias Stein, as well as four Fields medal winners: Paul Cohen, Daniel Quillen, Curtis T. McMullen and Akshay Venkatesh.