CBS, Inc. v. Federal Communications Commission

CBS, Inc vs. FCC (453 US 367) is a 1981 United States Supreme Court decision finding that the Federal Communications Act of 1934 created a new, individual right to for candidates for federal office. Under this decision broadcast media were found to have an obligation to allow any legally qualified federal candidate running for public office to purchase network time under section 312(a)(7) of the 1976 amendment to the Communications Act.

CBS, Inc. v. Federal Communications Commission

CBS, Inc vs. FCC (453 US 367) is a 1981 United States Supreme Court decision finding that the Federal Communications Act of 1934 created a new, individual right to for candidates for federal office. Under this decision broadcast media were found to have an obligation to allow any legally qualified federal candidate running for public office to purchase network time under section 312(a)(7) of the 1976 amendment to the Communications Act.