CF Os Balantas

Clube de Futebol Os Balantas is a Guinea-Bissauan football club based in Mansôa. They play in the top division in Guinean football, the Campeonato Nacional da Guiné-Bissau. The club is named after the Balanta people (or Southern Balanta), the club location where the people inhabit. Mansoa is the main city of the Balantas in Guinea-Bissau. It is being the most popular club of the Oio Region.

CF Os Balantas

Clube de Futebol Os Balantas is a Guinea-Bissauan football club based in Mansôa. They play in the top division in Guinean football, the Campeonato Nacional da Guiné-Bissau. The club is named after the Balanta people (or Southern Balanta), the club location where the people inhabit. Mansoa is the main city of the Balantas in Guinea-Bissau. It is being the most popular club of the Oio Region.