CQ VHF Magazine

CQ VHF was a magazine that served the ham radio operators whose operational and technical interests lie above 50 MHz. The magazine focused on radio technology, products, and activities that exist on 6 meters, 2 meters, 440 MHz and above. CQ VHF covered a broad range of skill levels, from the new Technician to the Extra Class microwave experimenter, and included operating, technical and construction articles. CQ VHF was published by CQ Communications, publishers of CQ Amateur Radio magazine, WorldRadio magazine, and Popular Communications magazine.

CQ VHF Magazine

CQ VHF was a magazine that served the ham radio operators whose operational and technical interests lie above 50 MHz. The magazine focused on radio technology, products, and activities that exist on 6 meters, 2 meters, 440 MHz and above. CQ VHF covered a broad range of skill levels, from the new Technician to the Extra Class microwave experimenter, and included operating, technical and construction articles. CQ VHF was published by CQ Communications, publishers of CQ Amateur Radio magazine, WorldRadio magazine, and Popular Communications magazine.