CSEMADOK, also written Csemadok, is a cultural society of ethnic Hungarians in Slovakia. CSEMADOK was formed on March 5, 1949 in Bratislava as a part of the Czechoslovak National Front, an umbrella statewide organization. The name was abbreviation for Hungarian Csehszlovákiai Magyar Dolgozók Kultúregyesülete (see below for name changes, in Slovak: Kultúrny zväz maďarských pracujúcich v Československu, English: Czechoslovak Hungarian Workers' Cultural Association). It was one of the few ethnic based organizations in Czechoslovakia.


CSEMADOK, also written Csemadok, is a cultural society of ethnic Hungarians in Slovakia. CSEMADOK was formed on March 5, 1949 in Bratislava as a part of the Czechoslovak National Front, an umbrella statewide organization. The name was abbreviation for Hungarian Csehszlovákiai Magyar Dolgozók Kultúregyesülete (see below for name changes, in Slovak: Kultúrny zväz maďarských pracujúcich v Československu, English: Czechoslovak Hungarian Workers' Cultural Association). It was one of the few ethnic based organizations in Czechoslovakia.