CSG 65CE02

The CSG 65CE02 is an 8/16-bit microprocessor developed by Commodore Semiconductor Group in 1988. It is a member of the MOS Technology 6502 family, developed from the CMOS WDC 65C02 released by the Western Design Center in 1983. The 65CE02 was the basis for the system on a chip CSG 4510 that was developed for the unreleased Commodore 65. The 65CE02 was later used for the A2232 serial port card for the Amiga computer. It appears to have seen no other use.

CSG 65CE02

The CSG 65CE02 is an 8/16-bit microprocessor developed by Commodore Semiconductor Group in 1988. It is a member of the MOS Technology 6502 family, developed from the CMOS WDC 65C02 released by the Western Design Center in 1983. The 65CE02 was the basis for the system on a chip CSG 4510 that was developed for the unreleased Commodore 65. The 65CE02 was later used for the A2232 serial port card for the Amiga computer. It appears to have seen no other use.