Cabinet of Edmund Joensen II

The second cabinet of Edmund Joensen was the government of the Faroe Islands from 11 June 1996 until 15 May 1998, with Edmund Joensen from Sambandsflokkurin (SB) as Prime Minister. The other parties of the coalition were: People's Party (Fólkaflokkurin) (FF), Workers' Union (Verkamannafylkingin) (VMF) og Self-Government Party (Sjálvstýrisflokkurin) (SF). The Self-Government Party, with as minister, left the government on 1 December 1997.

Cabinet of Edmund Joensen II

The second cabinet of Edmund Joensen was the government of the Faroe Islands from 11 June 1996 until 15 May 1998, with Edmund Joensen from Sambandsflokkurin (SB) as Prime Minister. The other parties of the coalition were: People's Party (Fólkaflokkurin) (FF), Workers' Union (Verkamannafylkingin) (VMF) og Self-Government Party (Sjálvstýrisflokkurin) (SF). The Self-Government Party, with as minister, left the government on 1 December 1997.