Cachi Cachi music

Cachi Cachi music, also spelled Kachi Kachi, Kachi-Kachi and Katchi-Katchi, is a term that was coined to refer to music played by Puerto Ricans in Hawaii, after they migrated to Hawaii in 1901. It is a "variation of dance music found in Hawaii" which is, at times, played very fast. The "influence on Hawai'i endures to this day in the musical form known as cachi cachi played on the quarto [sic] and derivative of the Puerto Rican jibaro style." Jibaro means farmer in Spanish. The Puerto Ricans in Hawaii "worked hard and played hard" and lightened the load for other plantation workers with their music.

Cachi Cachi music

Cachi Cachi music, also spelled Kachi Kachi, Kachi-Kachi and Katchi-Katchi, is a term that was coined to refer to music played by Puerto Ricans in Hawaii, after they migrated to Hawaii in 1901. It is a "variation of dance music found in Hawaii" which is, at times, played very fast. The "influence on Hawai'i endures to this day in the musical form known as cachi cachi played on the quarto [sic] and derivative of the Puerto Rican jibaro style." Jibaro means farmer in Spanish. The Puerto Ricans in Hawaii "worked hard and played hard" and lightened the load for other plantation workers with their music.